Sustainability Portal
Reducing your energy consumption not only contributes to the global fight against climate change but also results in substantial cost savings for your business. By embracing energy-saving practices, using a renewable energy supplier and adopting new technologies you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint as well as cater to the tourists and travellers who are increasingly seeking out eco-friendly accommodation and dining options.
Regardless of the size of your business, everyone generates waste. In many cases there are simple solutions, from making it easier for guests to recycle, to providing refill stations for water bottles. Explore further insights on waste reduction through these informative factsheets.
Water stands as a paramount resource. Each of us bears the responsibility to reduce our consumption. The tourism industry, in particular, faces significant impacts due to heightened water usage among vacationers compared to their domestic routines.
Food Waste
Reducing the quantity of food waste you produce will save you money and reduce your businesses environmental impact and carbon footprint.
Single-Use Plastic Audit
Reduce unnecessary single-use plastic (SUP). Use this document to carry out an assessment of the single-use plastic in your business. This form can be used for any size business wanting to reduce their single-use plastic impact.
Supply Chains
Whatever the size and nature of your business, sustainable purchasing and supply chains can help your business reduce your carbon emissions and support resilience for the future. On average supply chains produce five times the amount of carbon emissions than that of your own business, and is why as buyers, sustainable purchasing practices should be adopted!
Habitats of Bude
Understanding the Dynamics of Bude
Getting Started
The series of downloadable factsheets provided here offer a starting point for individuals and businesses looking to embark on the sustainability journey and comprehend the concept of Net Zero.
Climate Starter - a plan to get started!
What is net zero?
Breaking down Gases Global warming potential
Global greenhouse gas emissions by sector
Understanding Emission Types
The Climate Dictionary - Climate Terms to Help You on Your Journey to Understanding the Climate Crisis.
Unlock a Future of Sustainability: Become Carbon Literate (for FREE!)
Looking for Something Specific?
If you are looking for something specific and can’t find a relevant resource, give us a call or drop us an email – we may be busy researching that exact topic and would be happy to assist you!