Moon Hare Studio
Adela Webb is a self-taught mosaic artist with a diverse background encompassing textiles, photography, and graphics. Despite lacking formal training in mosaic art, her qualifications and working experience in various creative fields have significantly influenced her artistic journey.
In December 2015, Adela ventured into mosaic art for the first time, prompted by receiving stained glass as a Christmas gift. Her artistic exploration took root and flourished from that point onward.
Adela’s life has been marked by frequent relocations, including a notable nine-year stint in the USA. During her time in San Diego, California, she discovered inspiration in the works of artist Niki De Saint Phalle, particularly at the Queen Califia’s Magical Circle sculpture garden. Niki’s mosaic sculptures left an enduring impression on Adela, shaping the direction of her own mosaic endeavours.
Adela’s artistic expression finds its voice through the vibrant and expressive materials she employs. Her passion for colour and pattern radiates through her mosaics, characterized by intricate swirls, curves, and elements inspired by both nature and spirituality. Each piece reflects not only her artistic talent but also the diverse experiences that have shaped her creative journey.
The magic of mosaic is not just in the finished product but bringing people together in a shared experience. So gather around your friends and family for a workshop or one of Adela’s many take-away kits for a unique and delightful experience for everyone involved.
- Recyled china
- Stain glass
- Garden plaque/house number,
- Garden bunting
- Roman style
- Mosaic jewellery
- Parent and child sessions for children 8 and over.
- Private group sessions, tailored to your requirements.
Mosiac Art Kits:
These take-away kits contain everything you need for you own at home mosiac project. Precut mosaic shapes, mdf base, grout & mixing tub, glue, grout hanging hardware and instructions.
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Where to Meet:
Moon Hare Studio, Unit 4 ND House, River Tamar Way, Holsworthy Industrial Estate, Holsworthy, Devon, EX22 6HL
What to Bring:
Adela will advise you when you book.
All materials and tools are provided. Also available are mosaic tools, kits, and supplies to purchase should you wish to further your mosaic adventure in your home.
A variety of workshops are available including:- recyled china, stain glass, garden plaque/house number, garden bunting, roman style and mosaic jewellery. Also Parent and child sessions for children 8 and over. Private group sessions, tailored to your requirements.
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